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7 League Stilts - GT Cobra: Sold Out!

The 7 League Stilts' GT Cobra is the highest-quality jumping stilt available, and offer many innovations of the other brands.

SpringStandard UserAdvanced User
Raptor110-154lbs110-143 lbs
T-Rex154-198lbs143-165 lbs
T-Rex Energy176-220lbs165-209 lbs
S-Rex198-265lbs209-265 lbs
7s Innovations:
Springs are the heart of any jumping stilts and the 7s design starts with the best spring. Fiberglass constructed with APL (Advanced Power Layer) technology, the 7s are softer at the start of the jump and powerful at the end, offering optimal responsiveness for beginners and experts.
Comfortable, ergonomic, step-in Cobra Calf Cuff. Adjustability that can fit large or small legs!
The aircraft-grade aluminum mounting block features locking grooves to keep your legs firmly in place. Rounded corners protect you and your stilts from scratches. Quiet, efficient bushings and precision bearings ensure a smooth ride.
Solid Austrian engineering includes effective, 4mm-thick, yellow spring protection, and ratcheting, metal foot bindings.

Binding Upgrade: In Stock
DC PS Foot Strap upgrade

Easy to Learn!
Most people can balance on stilts after only a few minutes. After a few hours, you will be walking and jumping confidently.

Carbon Fiber v Fiberglass
Q. Cheaper brands of stilts claim to use carbon fiber Springs... isn't that better?
A. In applications where a small amount of flexibility is desired, carbon fiber is the material of choice, but where a large amount of flexibility is desired, fiberglass is better suited.

Sold Out

No shipping charge if picked up in person.


Stand Taller • Run Faster • Jump Higher • Be Acrobatic • Have Fun

© 2025: DC Power Stilts, LLC

Seven League Boots Official Distributor
jumping stilts 7LeagueBoots and spring stilts